Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Myositis - Contributing Joy

"Having experiences in life is called living. Sharing those experiences is called loving." - Melody Beattie

When I give of myself, I am sharing my love.  If my purpose in life is to awaken and inspire joy, then I must give of myself.  My time, energy, attention, devotion, truth and dedication are worthy of sharing.  When I share these things, I then give permission to others to do the same.

I've been playing around with 'room vibration', where I have been consciously contributing joy to the energy in the room and the results have been amazing!

I remember standing in line to see a movie one night. We were at Silver City in Edmonton, Alberta. I looked around, and I thought to myself, "Considering this is suppose to be a 'fun' place to be, there sure aren't very many people smiling."  Everyone looked so morbidly serious.  Standing in line, no one was talking to one another. The energy just felt thick and heavy. I said to my friend, "Let's try an experiment.  Let's just start laughing hysterically and see what happens!"

So we began to giggle, and then chuckle, and then eventually we were cackling!  We were having a great time!

Then a really very profound thing happened.

The people around us began to smile, and the conversations picked up all around us.  People began to chatter and laugh.  After our chuckle outburst, we had three separate strangers walk past and either give us a compliment or ask us for directions.  I believe people were attracted to the vibration we were putting out!  Gone was the heavy and serious energy.  In its place were many smiling and happy looking people.

Give this a try yourself sometime!  I just don't recommend cackling while standing in line by yourself. Unless you want to be awkward.

Frequently I'm checking in, to see how I'm contributing to the vibration in my surroundings.

I know I can be a draining contributor or I can be a generating contributor to my surroundings.

The choice is mine.

I apply this theory every time I go to the hospital or see my doctor. The last doctors appointment I had ended up being a 30 minute conversation about life purpose and consciously contributing as an active participant in my recovery to health.  The doctor I had visited was from Africa and he and I totally connected at a heart level.

Side note: The picture featured above was taken this morning as I was driving my son to school.  A very joyful moment in time.

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