Saturday, January 21, 2017

Going with the flow...

Day Two of clean eating. Today I did yoga! This is rather a big deal, because the last time I tried yoga I had to stop. I had been totally devastated by my bodies inability to move like it used to. I have avoided doing yoga because of that.  Today, I found that while I am definitely still limited it is not nearly as difficult as before. Or, I should say that it is still quite difficult, but perhaps it's not as emotionally charged as it was before.

Anyway, because of all of the 'clean eating', I started it off with a headache, but determined to get a few things done today.  I started to storm ahead and get stuff done (as I usually do), but today my son asked me to go for a visit to the neighbors with my husband while they delivered home made bird feeders.

Looking at my son & husband I decided to drop what I was 'doing' and join them in the adventure.  I am certain I made the best decision, and was treated to some good quality time.  We ventured through our neighbors land and had tea with them.  It was a treat to be a part of it. 

I did find that all of the walking absolutely tired me out, as I've been recovering from an infection,  and taking antibiotics.  I am right now sitting with a neck brace on, as the muscles in my neck are too 'tired' to hold my head up. 

I've spent the last couple of hours playing on the computer with my son, attempting to get to 'his level' and see what he finds funny, what he enjoys.  We watched a bunch of Weird Al Yankovich videos, and he quite enjoys the Trump parody videos on YouTube.  He's such a funny kid, with a great sense of humor.

Even though I didn't get as much 'cleaning' done today, I have allowed my body to relax & rest.   I'm working on 'allowing' for more days like this.

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