Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Some days are like that..

Today I woke up with a migraine. Some days are like that.  I blame it on the weather & Methotrexate. For those of you who don't know what Methotrexate is CLICK HERE.

I take my Methotrexate via injection every Wednesday.  Today it hurt. Usually it's fine, but today for some reason I just wasn't into it. The thing is though, I want to have a better attitude when it comes to taking my medicine.  But I've noticed things, like my hair is turning brittle and has been falling out in clumps.

How do I feel about this?

Sad.  Yes, I feel sad about that.

And yet, I also feel pride.  Because I know that living an amazing life has nothing to do with the status of my hair.  I feel so shallow even writing about feeling sad over... hair.

There are so many other incredible problems I could be having, so yucky hair is totally minor.

On my walk in the woods today, I met the neighbor! I've been trying to run into the neighbor for months now, and today was the day I finally did.  She has invited me to tea, and I MUST take her up on that.

See... already on to the good stuff!

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