Saturday, June 11, 2016

Life of the Party!

Saturday afternoon, and it's quietly raining out in the country.  The boys are downstairs playing video games, and I'm keeping an eye on my newly spayed & neutered puppies.  The laundry machine is clanking away, and a local Bluejay has taken it upon himself to make our balcony to be HIS territory.  As I type this, I am watching him strut his stuff around. He knows he's got the stuff!

My soon to be husband is out in his own personal playground, taking care of business out at the golf course.

I find myself feeling mischievous today, and have a desire to have some fun.  I have been daydreaming about learning to play the electric guitar and writing my own punkrock song.  I would write a punkrock song about quiet rainy afternoons in the country.  It would go something like...






 or.. something like that.

The personal lesson I achieved from the writing of this epic song?  Some days (No... everyday) a gal just needs to be the life of her own party!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Some days are like that..

Today I woke up with a migraine. Some days are like that.  I blame it on the weather & Methotrexate. For those of you who don't know what Methotrexate is CLICK HERE.

I take my Methotrexate via injection every Wednesday.  Today it hurt. Usually it's fine, but today for some reason I just wasn't into it. The thing is though, I want to have a better attitude when it comes to taking my medicine.  But I've noticed things, like my hair is turning brittle and has been falling out in clumps.

How do I feel about this?

Sad.  Yes, I feel sad about that.

And yet, I also feel pride.  Because I know that living an amazing life has nothing to do with the status of my hair.  I feel so shallow even writing about feeling sad over... hair.

There are so many other incredible problems I could be having, so yucky hair is totally minor.

On my walk in the woods today, I met the neighbor! I've been trying to run into the neighbor for months now, and today was the day I finally did.  She has invited me to tea, and I MUST take her up on that.

See... already on to the good stuff!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Medicority versus Simplicity

Wandering in the woods today, and was lost in thinking about my life and how I'm living it.  As of late, I feel I have been blessed beyond abundance with the ability to enjoy the simple things in life.  I have spent the past several months, purging, cleaning, re-purposing & donating all sorts of items in my house.  The journey has been quite therapeutic in that it's allowed me to be present with the 'things' left in my life. I am no longer distracted by the 'clutter' and business of my environment. 

Not only has my environment been simplified, so to has my daily routine.  I take pleasure in the routine of daily house chores, walking the puppies, morning meditations, giving my best effort at work & savoring quality time with my family & friends.

Now... enters my left brain that says, "You should be doing more with your life. You are living mediocrity. You should have written a book by now. You should be making a bigger impact on the world...."

Should I?

I meditated on these things whilst in the woods today, and for quite some time. I've come to the conclusion that I am actually truly LIVING my life.  When I am present, and have fully arrived to the abundance of this moment, I am 'living'.

I do believe that I could be doing more to 'share' the goodness that flows from my life.  I do believe that in the process of 'healing' from sickness, I've hidden parts of myself away.  I had originally started this blog initially as a way to 'make a difference', and I think I put way to much pressure on myself. 

I've decided I'm just going to be me & write about my daily experiences, because that in itself is worthy to note. I live a very fortunate life, which I have masterfully created.

As so let the journey begin.