Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Myositis - Practicing Feng Shui

Something that has totally helped me in healing my body is the practice of Feng Shui.  It's the ancient Chinese art of how your surroundings affect the results in your life.  By applying some basic Feng Shui principles, I've raised my happiness bar by at least 40%!! 

First thing I did was to declutter, purge, release & let go of anything in the house that no longer serves a purpose.

Then I carefully culled the rest and kept ONLY the things that I cherish & love & have a purpose. Everything else was donated.

Next I used mirrors to increase the 'Chi' energy in the home & have applied 'color therapy'.  The results have been miraculous.  It's like a new home.  The house feels soooooo good! I feel better when I'm here.. where as before it was so cluttered & messy all the time.

On a daily basis, I do my best to stay on top of the cleaning & consistently declutter and purge. It is pretty hard to feel health & happy in a messy cluttered environment.

Throughout this process, I can tell you that I've had the most profound insights. For example, when I was cleaning out my closet I had a spiritual awakening of sorts. Letting go of clothes that no longer serve me, was uplifting.  I was able to release the memories go that were associated with that particular piece of clothing. Cleaning out my closet also inspired me to proceed with making amends to several people in my life. I had this surge of energy to heal those relationships  and I immediately took action to do just that. I sat down and wrote to over 10 people letters expressing my desire to heal any past hurts I may have caused them.  I expressed that I had no desire to hold on to any past hurts.  And I truly blessed them & want for them to experience love.  This has done wonders for my physical healing.

And that all transpired as a result of cleaning out my closet.
I'd encourage anyone to practice Feng Shui.  Especially if you are someone who is looking to increase their happiness level!  I have found it be to a very healing and beautiful process.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for offering to share your journey. Powerful and transformative. Healing being out of integrity with another is very healing to the self. Thank you.
